Sunday 20 February 2011

The Popster On Tour

This weekend The Popster went on tour.  She's a popular gal and had many places to go and many people to see.  Saturday was a bit of a whirlwind, but Sunday was slightly more relaxed.  Saturday, The Popster toured, whizzing from place to place, in the car seat, out the car seat, in the car seat, out the car seat, in the car seat, out the car seat, etc etc.  It's exhausting for the adults, never mind a 16 week old baby.  Sunday was much more sensible.  She stayed in residence and people came to her.

In total, over the weekend she saw:  2 friends and their cat, 2 of her 3 sets of grandparents,  2 friends with their baby daughter and 2 cats, her great aunt and uncle and her uncle and his girlfriend.  No cats were invloved on the Sunday - they were a Saturday treat only.

The following is the tour debrief....

On Saturday, after getting up, dressed, fed etc we loaded up the car with a ridiculous amount of stuff - The Popster really needs her own tour bus!  There was barely enough room for us.  We left just as The Popster was dropping off for her first nap of the day, she had been up a whole hour after all.  The first stop was a special secret, for the fans only, venue.  She woke up just as we arrived, ready to greet her fans.  She was being a little bit of a diva though and refused to sleep during the gorgeous 3 course lunch that had been prepared.  This meant I ate my lunch with The Popster on my lap.  The delicious soup wasn't too much of a problem but the next course was a little trickier.  Fear not though, Jon cut my food up for me and I didn't miss out - all good practice for when he has to cut up The Popsters.  After The Popster felt she had been suitably cooed over, and there was a lot of cooing, and declarations of love, she fell alseep lying down in the corner of the sofa.  Brilliant! This allowed me to eat the 3rd and final course with two hands - a delicious, gooey chocolate cake.

As soon as she woke up she was put back in the car seat and whizzed of for a flying visit to her grand parents.  She fell asleep about 2 mins from the grandparents house which meant the side of The Popster the grandparents got to see was the very grumpy one.  We weren't there for a long and she didn't cry for the whole visit but she wasn't exactly smily and full of joy!

It really was a flying visit and after getting a grisly Popster back into the car seat we drove the 3 mins journey round the corner to see our friends Jo & Pab and their gorgeous 9 month old daughter Amelie,(is that right? 9 months?).  Despite the journey only being 3 mins it was enough to send The Popster to sleep.  We left her in her seat and started to play with Amelie.  After a short period of time, she suddenly screamed - this seemed to have a domino effect and Amelie also started crying.  The Popster had done her job though and instantly stopped - it's a trick she has played a few times before.  She likes to cry in order to get the other babies crying and then sit back and watch the chaos unfold before her happy in her work - is she going to be an evil bully when she grows up?  It is looking that way at the moment, she really does enjoy making other babies cry.  Although, the manner in which she carries out that dastardly deed shows that she definitely knows how to make use of her strengths - in this case being a baby.  When she is a gorgeous young woman is she going to have men wrapped around her little finger?  I hope she finds different strengths to use to achieve her aims!

Anyway, it was great fun at Jo & Pab's.  The Popster was a bit clingy and grisly but not too bad.  Despite the high octane energy in the room that is Amelie she still managed to fall asleep - mind you, so did Amelie.  Poppy lay sparko on the floor while Amelie had the luxury of her own bed.  Once again, The Popster awoke with a scream.  I think it is because she fell asleep so many times that day and every time she woke she was in a different place - it confused her a lot!  Amelie was great fun and I can't wait for The Popster to be that active and smiley.  Fun times are ahead!  (And exhausting times).

It felt like, just as she woke up we shoved her back in the car seat and whizzed her off to another set of grandparents - this time, Jon's mum and step dad.  It was unfortunate that she falls alseep the car all the time and all the journeys were really short.  This time however, she stayed asleep on arrival long enough for Jon and I to unpack the tour bus and set up her living quarters for the night, i.e. travel cot and toys.  Brilliant! She woke up shortly after we had finished, a quick cuddle with her nan and then off to bed she goes.  It had been an exhausting day and The Popster was ready for her bed - even if it did look a bit odd compared to what she is used to.  As she can't stand, roll etc she usually sleeps up high.  This has the advantage that I don't have to bend over much for lifting etc.  The travel cot, however, is low down, with walls.  As I put The Popster down into it, she looked up at me wide eyed with confusion.  "What are these things surrounding me?" she asked with her quizzical look.  "Walls Poppy - you're in a little baby prison.  Don't worry though, I'll let you out in the morning."

Sunday arrived and we planned to stay in all day.  The Popster woke full of smiles and ready to play.  Off to her play mat and an hour of hitting the bug!  Good times.  She was looking very tired so off to the walled prison for another sleep.  Just over an hour later when I went to get her out she looked so excited!!  As I opened the door and looked down at her she had a HUGE smile, her legs went wild and her arms flapped about.  She couldn't wait to get back to that play mat.  Her aunt and uncle arrived shortly afterwards and not long after them her great aunt and uncle.  The Popster had a play mat to enjoy so wasn't being massively social, but allowed the obligatory cooing and cuddles from the newbies.

The plan was for The Popster to need a nap just before we all sat down for a delicious Sunday Roast.  Unfortunately I had forgotten to tell her the plan so she insisted on carrying on playing, despite signs of agitation.  I knew she was tired but I also knew she wouldn't go down in her prison.  She remained on the playmat and I did the dummy dance with her for most of my lunch.  However, before I started my 2nds and 3rds she fell asleep on the mat.  Sparko again!

All that playing and smiling meant we finally got her gorgeous grin on film.  To commerorate her 1st tour the photo is being used for tour t-shirts.  Get your orders in now!

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