Thursday 3 February 2011

Maybe She Is Just Really Bored Of Me

As some of you may know this week has been tough with the Popster - she's been on a growth spurt and it's been exhausting.  Quite frankly she has been a pain in the arse!  Last night was a huge improvement but not great.  But at least we were making progress.  Today, she has been an absolute dream.  Here's what happened.

Every Thursday the girls from my NCT class meet up. Today was at someones house and there were 4 of the 6 from the class.  I was really looking forward to it this week as I needed some adult conversation.

The day started well with a smile from the Popster - quite a rare occurrence and non-existent so far this week.  Poppy is a very serious baby you know, she is often contemplating the meaning of life and that doesn't require smiling.  It requires great concentration - something I know she has in spades.  The other day I caught her staring intently at her hand for at least 15 mins.  She may have found her hand fascinating but watching her watch her hand wasn't that fascinating for me so I don't have an accurate time for the study - for all I know it went on for an hour!  

So anyway, we started the day with a smile and a bit of a play.  She then slept long enough for me to have a shower, wash my hair, wash dishes, eat breakfast and do laundry.  The rest of the morning wasn't that interesting so I will spare you the details.  All you need to know is the level of grisliness had gone from a bear with a sore head down to someone that had stubbed their toe quite hard.  (Answers on a postcard if you can think of a better analogy than that.  I'm sure you can as my attempt was pretty rubbish.).

The venue for this weeks catch up was roughly a 10min drive but I decided it would be nice to walk.  Get the Popster out in the fresh air and me a bit of exercise.  I was a little unsure though as I reckoned it would be a 30mins walk, which is fine, but the majority would be up hill.  About 15mins in I was regretting it, that hill was LONG!! I was baking hot and exhausted.  The Popster was all right though, she had fallen asleep.  I arrived at Andreas worn out and hot and the Popster woke up so she could join in the fun.

Sitting in a room catching up on the gossip with 4 babies wriggling around on various play mats is quite a funny site.  Especially when the 2 girls were just sitting/lying there taking it all in and the 2 boys were letting everyone know they weren't happy.  We stayed for 4 hours and in that time Poppy barely made a sound.  Don't get me wrong, she wasn't perfect.  There were moments of crying and the need for attention, but on the whole she was happy to just lie on the play mat studying whatever soft toy it was hanging down above her face.  I had a great time and just what I needed - thanks girls.

On the walk home I developed my new theory.  Poppy has been grumpy this week because, basically, she is really bored of me!!  Before going on maternity leave everyone gets worried about the mum going stir crazy, getting bored starved of adult interaction.  No one thinks about the baby.  It's a big wide world out there.  Loads to explore.  Poppy has been stuck in the house all week with only my face to look at.  She has played with the same toys all her life in the same house with the same person for company.  The baby gets bored too!!  Today, Poppy was introduced to a whole new house and got to play with new toys.  It was an adventure for her and she enjoyed it. 

So that's my theory.  Poppy has been grumpy because she is bored with me.  The weekend away at her Nanny & Grandad's house is looking like a very good idea. 

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